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Talent Friends Church
50 Talent Avenue, Talent, Oregon

Talent Friends Church is a Christ-centered, discerning, inter-generational community of Friends, committed to discipleship and outreach to impact society locally and globally.  

We are the Lord's servants therefore, all ministry is centered on the Lord Jesus Christ as He is revealed in the Holy Bible.  Valid English translations, in the order of preference, are:

NASB (New American Standard Bible)
ESB   (English Standard Bible)
RSV   (Revised Standard Bible)
NKJV (New King James Version)
KJV   (King James Version)  

The following are useful transliterations, but should not be used for serious bible study:

NIV   (New International Verion)
NLT   (New Living Translation)

IMPORTANT: Several cults have mistranslated the bible to serve their personal preferences. 
                    All such mistranslations should be avoided.



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